Maurten Drink Mix 320

Running Accessory Reviews
Maurten Drink Mix 320


Running Energy & Recovery Drinks


Maurten's tried and tested formula developed with hydrogel technology. A simple sachet with an elite level of energy return.

Maurten Drink Mix 320 Sachet

Maurten Drink Mix 320 Sachet


Maurten Drink Mix 320 Box

Maurten Drink Mix 320 Box



  • 320 kcal
  • 80g carbohydrates
  • One sachet makes 500ml of solution
  • 5 ingredients – Maltodextrin, Fructose, Pectin, Sodium Alginate (from seaweed) and Sodium Chloride (Salt)
  • Hydrogel technology – drink converts to hydrogel when it meets the acidity of the stomach (enables a smooth transit of the drink through the stomach to the intestine)
  • Suitable for longer, intense sessions lasting over 2 hours (half marathons/marathons)
Maurten Drink Mix 320
Maurten Drink Mix


  • Minimal ingredients and no artificial flavourings or preservatives
  • Light on the stomach – can be consumed before, during, or immediately after exercise
  • High concentration of carbohydrates for the optimal energy boost
  • Suitable for vegetarians, vegans and is gluten-free
  • Also available in a caffeinated version


  • Slightly more expensive than other energy gels, but contains more sophisticated technology to support it

In Testing

I usually find it difficult to find an energy gel or drink that suits my stomach and doesn't make my longer runs feel harder. However, the Maurten 320 Drink Mix is a complete departure from the norm of energy and hydration drinks, feeling so light it hardly feels like I’ve had more than just a bottle of water.

In preparation for my first ever marathon, I've been using the Drink Mix 320 whenever my runs last longer than 2 hours, experimenting with drinking it before, during, and after my runs. Regardless of when I chose, the energy return kicked in very fast and with no negative side effects.


If Maurten's Drink Mix 320 is good enough for elite athletes, then it sure can be for most of us recreational runners! The most carbohydrate-rich sports drink on the market, the 320 optimises energy and hydration return with the most natural and effective ingredients. Would recommend initially trying a sachet during a longer session. Also available in the 160 drink mix with half the carbs.

Maurten Drink Mix 320 Sachet

Maurten Drink Mix 320 Sachet


Maurten Drink Mix 320 Caf 100 Sachet

Maurten Drink Mix 320 Caf 100 Sachet


Maurten Drink Mix 320 Box

Maurten Drink Mix 320 Box


Maurten Drink Mix 160 Sachet

Maurten Drink Mix 160 Sachet


Maurten Drink Mix 160 Box

Maurten Drink Mix 160 Box


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