Crampfix QuickFix Shot 20ml

Running Accessory Reviews
Crampfix QuickFix Shot 20ml


Running Energy & Recovery Drinks


Power through cramps instantly with CrampFix 20ml shot! Fast-acting, convenient, and effective. It's your go-to solution for relief when you need it most.

CrampFix QuickFix Shot 20ml

CrampFix QuickFix Shot 20ml



  • 20ml sachet
  • Cramp prevention and relief
  • 23 cal/5.62g carbs
  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Gluten free
  • Effective blend of astringency and PH level
  • Can be used before, during or after strenuous exercise
  • Can either drink or swirl inside the mouth and discard


  • Vegan
  • Relieves cramps quickly and effectively
  • Quenches neuro-muscular fatigue


  • Taste can be quite strong, but you don't have to swallow it

In Testing

I hadn’t heard of CrampFix prior to my experiment with the QuickFix shots, so had no preconceived notions about it aside from being intrigued at the name. Normally, I suffer badly from multiple cramps during my longer runs, but using Crampfix was almost like a miracle! It got to work within a minute, and I felt my muscles soften and the pain fade much quicker than it would’ve without the QuickFix shot.

The flavours are quite intense for me, I still drank mine with some water, but I read you could swirl it around the mouth and discard it afterwards for it to still be effective.


Crampfix is a solid solution to a very common runner’s problem. The QuickFix shot offers rapid pain relief from cramps, mostly targeting the legs and calves. Ideal for anyone doing high-intensity workouts for prolonged periods, whether ultra runners, cyclists, or even triathletes. It works quickly and requires minimal effort, helping you perform at level best!

CrampFix QuickFix Shot 20ml

CrampFix QuickFix Shot 20ml


CrampFix QuickFix Shot 20ml

CrampFix QuickFix Shot 20ml


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