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Mobility exercises are designed to improve a joint’s range of motion, allowing it to move without stiffness or pain. They also improve pliability of the muscles and tendons surrounding the joint. Stretching and strengthening exercises focus on engaging or lengthening the muscles. Mobility basically opens, aligns and centres our body. It’s a vital element of training: improving performance, helping to prevent injury and also reducing joint pain. Typical mobility exercises target ankle or hip joints but it’s also common to improve mobility of thoracic spine, neck and shoulders.
Close friend but not the same. Flexibility relates more to the static positions, when you can hold your body into the pose, for example you can bend over from standing position and touch your toes with your hands. Mobility, however, allows joint to move effectively during dynamic movement like running or jumping. For instance, when you sprint your hips must be mobile enough to provide the range of motion needed to accommodate many strides during the short period of time. Similar when you want to lift a barbell above your head during overhead squat. Your shoulders must be mobile enough to allow your body to complete the overhead movement.
If your body is mobile it means your joints are moving without any limitation, and the muscles surrounding the joints are strong and under control. In this way you massively reduce the risk of basically any running injury. In fact a mobile body is the best injury-prevention you can get.
This type of exercise should be performed BEFORE running. It’s a great way to warm up a stiff and tight body, especially in cold weather. Incorporating mobility exercises (also called active stretching) before running improves performance. It also reduces the risk of injury and helps avoid tearing or pulling muscles and tendons.
It’s recommended to do a little here and there before each run as a part of your warm-up. However, if you can spend an additional 10 minutes on a more complex mobility workout on your rest days, why not? You can do this in front of the TV, without any equipment, on a carpet… it’s really that simple!
On a very basic, fundamental level: yes. But I’d rather say that mobility prepares your body to get stronger. Mobility is the first step you should focus on, and the next step is building up the strength. Not the other way around.
If you try and build up the muscles around a limited, immobile joint, it might create an unhealthy movement pattern, which might eventually lead to injury. That’s why mobility exercises should be performed prior to strength exercises in a training session. If you want to incorporate some weightlifting exercises into your programme, make sure mobility is a vital part of that too.
Check out the video with a very simple and quick mobility workout, targeting hips, ankles, shoulders, and mid-back. It’s a routine I do prior to a running or weightlifting session or, or even in the morning when I feel a bit stiff and tight. It takes only a few minutes to open your body and instantly release accumulated tension. I love this routine and I hope you’ll love it too!
These are exercises that we've found very useful and want to share with our customers. But we're not certified instructors. Always consult your specialist before beginning any exercise programme. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.
Hip Mobility Exercises for Runners
The hip is one of the most active joints in the body, especially for runners! Keeping your hips mobile helps you run more freely and helps prevent injury.
Best Stretches After Running
Watch now: 6-minute post-run stretching routine. Why should runners stretch? What happens if you don't stretch after running? Find out here plus more FAQs.
Basic Plyometrics for Runners
Watch now: the best 2-minute plyometrics exercises for runners. Improve your speed, strength, power, change of direction, balance and bone density.
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