Hip Mobility Exercises for Runners

Running Mobilisation & Stretching,Running Injuries: ITB, Thighs & Hips,Videos: Resistance Bands,Videos: Mobilisation & Stretching
Hip Mobility Exercises for Runners

Hip Mobility Exercises Without Equipment / Hip Mobility Exercises with Resistance Bands

How can I increase my hip mobility for running?

There are a few very efficient mobility exercises and stretches you could incorporate into your training to open your hips a bit more. The hip is one of the most active joints in our body. This multiaxial joint allows movement on 3 planes: flexion & extension, abduction & adduction and internal & external rotations. In the video below we’ll show you few simple exercises targeting each plane of movement. If you sit a lot during the day, run long distances, have ‘duck feet’ or hip impingement, the exercises below are just for you!

Hip mobility exercises without equipment

  • "World's Greatest Stretch"
  • Hip flexor stretch
  • Pigeon pose
  • Hip airplane

You can do them at home or in the gym without any equipment.

Hip mobility exercises with resistance bands

The second video features banded mobilisations, great for a deeper stretch, designed to improve hip extension and internal / external rotation.

Get your Thera-Band or any other resistance band and join in.

It’s also a great idea to use a foam roller after opening the hip joint, to reduce soft-tissue stiffness. We’ll finish each video with some myofascial release examples, so have your Grid or similar foam roller ready!

Trigger Point The Grid Foam Roller

Trigger Point The Grid Foam Roller


Thera-Band Resistance Band

Thera-Band Resistance Band


What causes a lack of hip mobility in runners?

Reduced hip mobility is usually caused by tight hip flexors. This might be due to a lack of stretching and doing repetitive movements – like running – over long period of time. That’s why including stretching at the end of a run is so important, as it helps to release tight muscles. Also spending a lot of time in a sitting position is a common reason for tight hips. A sedentary or desk-bound lifestyle shortens the hip flexors and quadriceps, making our glutes and hamstrings weak. If you spend lot of time sitting, including mobility and stretching exercises could be very beneficial in helping you maintain a good posture.

Does running itself increase hip mobility?

On the contrary. Running as a repetitive movement shortens our muscles. That’s why including hip mobility exercises and stretches – especially targeting hip flexors – is so beneficial for runners, reducing pain and stiffness after run. Check out this video with 3 amazing hip flexor stretches:

Find out more about Hip Flexors »

These are exercises that we've found very useful and want to share with our customers. But we're not certified instructors. Always consult your specialist before beginning any exercise programme. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

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