Running Technique to Help Avoid Shin Splints

Running Technique Advice,Running Injuries: Shin Splints & Calf
Running Technique to Help Avoid Shin Splints


The term shin splints describes a combination of injuries or weaknesses all relating to pain, often materialising as extreme tenderness or an aching throbbing, in the front of the lower and shin area of the leg.

Many runners seem to get shin splints at some point. They can manifest as a mild shin pain or in the most extreme case, if not treated early on, they can eventually lead to a stress fracture (if the runner ignores the pain and does not rest to allow healing).

This article specifically covers running technique and how it affects shin splints. For more general advice, please see Shin Splints and Running »

Technique Causes / Avoiding With Technique / Shin Splints Exercises


There are many aspects of running technique that can cause shin splints. Some of the most common are:

  • Too much, too soon! Beginner runners will often increase their distance and/or speed too quickly. This can lead to injury. So always build your mileage slowly and steadily. Also pushing off with the toes can put too much strain on the shins.
  • Heel striking. Try not to land on the heel, with a straight leg, as this is high impact and can lead to injury.
  • Downhill running. Often when going down steep hills, runners slow themselves down by landing heavily on the heels. This does have a braking effect but puts tremendous strain on the lower legs which can lead to shin splints.
  • Dorsiflexing the foot. Many runners dorsiflex the foot (pull the toes towards the shin) just before they land. To do this they contract the shin muscles. Then the runner lands on the heel, immediately the rest of the foot slams down onto the ground. This pulls sharply against the contracted shin muscle. This leg action repeated on a regular basis (especially downhill) can lead to injury and inflammation around the shin.
  • Running on the forefoot. Running on the fore-foot and pushing off with the toes also puts a big load on the shin and calf muscles. That’s why it’s best to land mid-foot and not push off too much as you run. Instead use a whole body lean (no bending at the waist) to move you forward.


  1. Natural Gait Analysis. Pop in to one of our stores with your current shoes. We'll only suggest new shoes if that's actually what you need!
  2. Work on your running technique to make it more energy efficient and less high impact:
    • Relax your lower legs as much as possible.
    • Land with a mid-foot strike on a bent leg under the knee.
    • Try to relax the shin muscles as much as possible so that you don’t dorsi-flex the foot as you land.
    • Use gravity and your core to move you forward rather than pushing off with the calf muscles. This takes the strain off the lower legs as you run.
  3. Build up your mileage slowly. 
  4. Have an easy week every month when you cut back on your running and allow the body to recover.
  5. Compression socks worn during and post exercise really help to support the leg muscles and keep the blood flowing nicely to aid recovery.

If you need more help with your running technique approach a professional coach such as Balavan Thomas.

Pressio Equilibrium Calf Guards

Pressio Equilibrium Calf Guards


Pressio EQ Compression Socks

Pressio EQ Compression Socks



  1. Regularly stretch the calves and the Achilles to make sure they are not too tight.
  2. Strengthen your calf with single leg squats. See video here
  3. Practise core, Pilates style, exercises to balance out the body. See video here
  4. Practise the sandpit exercise regularly. This is when you use a sand pit at a running track etc. The aim is to walk and then run across the sand pit without heel-striking or pushing off with the toes. To succeed at this exercise you must be able to leave uniform foot prints in the sand, without any dishing at the front from pushing off or craters from heel striking. Its takes practise, but teaches you how to run with relaxed lower legs. (Details in the Chi Running book)

Regardless of the exact injury, the tips in this video will help to alleviate the symptoms and get you on the road to recovery:

Trigger Point The Grid Foam Roller

Trigger Point The Grid Foam Roller


This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. The exercises in the video are ones we've found very useful and want to share with our customers. But we're not certified instructors. Always consult your specialist before beginning any exercise programme. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises or advice, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

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